Why I do what I do

I love being a coach. I really do.

I get to help someone work through their blocks, witness their pain and struggles and see the lightbulb moments.

It’s magical. 

And the best bit? I’m mainly a facilitator. 

I have a full shed of tools to help someone move forward and I combine numerous models and exercises with healing, mindfulness and self-care.  

However, the best tools I have are providing space to allow someone to finally voice things they’ve kept hidden for a long time, reflecting back what I’m hearing (and whatever else is coming up for me in the moment) and challenging a particular thought or belief.  

As I said, I love it. 

But I haven’t always been a coach. I originally picked a different career that I loved and built over the years. 

Although I officially became a coach in the last few years, the journey began about 20 years ago when I did my reiki 1 and 2 attunements when I was 18/19. This began my journey into spirituality. 

However, my peers at the time were not quite as accepting at that age as they are today, and I quickly pushed it all down, although I maintained my interest over the years by occasionally attending spiritualist churches and fairs.  

I burnt out badly in 2015 which lasted for 2-3 years. I was overworked, undervalued and felt pulled all over the place. When I finally left the situation, I was lucky to go straight into a job where I felt valued and that I was good at something again. I also started recognising that I had been repeating a lot of patterns in my life and that something needed to change. 

I came across an online coaching programme which made my head explode with insights about myself. I then went on to do other programmes, hired a coach and got my hands on anything I could find to understand myself better.  

And then I got better slowly and added more and more tools into my personal toolkit.  

As I gained more clarity, a little whisper began to make itself known. It was telling me that I needed to do something to help other people going through the same experiences. 

That whisper turned into a roar. Then things started randomly popping up. 

I was seeing double numbers, or ‘angel numbers’ everywhere. 

An advert popped up from the school where I ended up doing my coaching diploma advertising a free taster day. I went along and loved it. 

A month later a course to become a sound therapy practitioner came up and I eagerly booked it as I had really enjoyed previous sound baths I had attended and was intrigued to know more. There, I loved being surrounded by amazing people, great energy and learning all these new things. It also opened up the spiritual door for me again in a big way. It cemented for me that this was my path, and I booked onto my coaching course the following week. 

I did the coaching diploma during COVID (although it was booked beforehand) whilst holding down a relatively new full-time job and taking on practice clients. It was really tough but one of the best things I have ever done.  

Since then, the perfect courses for me have popped up to help me hone my skills and knowledge and I have been on a whirlwind journey. I liken being self-employed to being a huge rollercoaster!

Now, I work with incredible clients and feel completely blessed that I’m following my purpose. I am constantly learning and now that the door to self-understanding has been opened, I don’t think I can ever shut it again (nor would I want to). 

Although it has been a couple of years now since I began the business, I wanted to create this blog to share my journey with you all and any insights, tidbits and knowledge I have gained along the way.  

I look forward to seeing you on the journey!

Sarah x


10 Things I’ve learnt since becoming a business owner